SEO Website Design


Avoid These Common Web Design Mistakes When Building Your Website
Posted on October 12, 2022 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
Small businesses want to target more potential customers and know that a website often makes that goal become a reality.  It seems easy to create a decent website, but many things can go awry with small business websites as you start to incorporate everything.
Luckily, these three mistakes are easily avoidable and should keep you from making the same ones that web designers typically make when designing their websites for the first time.
Making SEO An Afterthought
Most website designers fail to make SEO an essential part of their work as they have a design-first mentality.  This is a costly mistake as a poorly optimized website will never rank highly in search engine results pages like Google, and it could be ignored for long periods.  It can also lead to reduced revenue, unhappy customers, and an abandoned website.
The first step when building a website is to always design it with SEO in mind.  When designing small business websites, you should focus on making your content and keywords accessible to search engines.  By ensuring that each page has the proper title tags, meta descriptions, and relevant keywords, you can attract more visitors to your website pages which could lead to more customers.
Poor Communication With Developers
If there is a misunderstanding between the client and the web developer, the website will be complicated to navigate.  It may not load correctly, or have missing links and broken images.  This situation can also lead to an increase in development costs if small changes are made due to unclear requests from a customer.
Being Too Generic
A website with too little content might not rank in search results, while a website that’s too generic may be ranked highly but have a mediocre conversion rate.  This happens as most visitors think it doesn’t truly answer their particular needs or provide value.  Think about how your customers want to interact with your website and build it accordingly.  Doing so increases your chances of it ranking well on search engines and more visitors will become customers!
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