SEO Website Design


Has Mobilegeddon Affected Your Search Results?
Posted on June 9, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: Website Design
Many people are wondering just exactly what is the significance of Mobilegeddon and what potential issue will be resolved with this change.  In an effort to provide mobile users a better search experience, Google implemented a mobile-friendly update on April 21, 2015 to get more accurate and relevant search results.
Mobilegeddon is a ranking algorithm that is meant to boost web pages that are mobile-friendly when a Google search is performed from a mobile device. 
Indiana SEO
Basically, does your website's design have the ability of fitting to a smaller screen while keeping the visitor on the same version of the website?  Many websites force visitors to a different website design or offer a limited version for mobile visitors, thus sacrificing quality and the overall experience.
Mobilegeddon Explained - The New Website Design Standard
Traditionally, a majority of websites were mainly viewed from desktops or laptops but the new age of smartphones has greatly shifted what users are choosing to view the internet today.  More than 50% of internet traffic is from mobile devices, which has prompted search engines to adjust their algorithms to deliver more visitors to websites that comply with this design standard.
Some websites that weren’t ready for this update haven’t noticed any setback yet, but Google will keep making smartphone users a priority as long as data supports this trend.  This trend is not likely to slow down as Google wouldn’t go through the trouble of updating an algorithm if there wasn’t some incentive involved so keep that in mind.
Is your Indiana Website's Design Prepared For This Update?
The movement towards mobile users reaching for their smartphone to access the internet could eventually lead to an algorithm tweak.  Those websites that don’t comply could face a hit in the search results. 
Most websites that lack being mobile-friendly are due to the following:
  • Text too small to read
  • Links placed too close together
  • Mobile viewports not set correctly
Interested in finding out if your website complies with the new algorithm? Visit Google's mobile friendly test page and find out.
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