SEO Website Design


SEO Campaigns: What You Need to Know
Posted on March 12, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: SEO
Fresh, innovative strategies for Internet marketing aren't easy to come by. The Internet has expanded tremendously over the years and so has Internet marketing. Marketing on the World Wide Web is the fastest way to reach people, and the sheer volume of people within reach is limitless. Search engines alone drive considerable Internet traffic. Did you know, for example, that search engines process an estimated 100 billion requests every month? Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! are worth an estimated $16 billion every year and they are the top driver of traffic to content websites. Needless to say, utilizing search engines as part of Internet marketing services is a way many digital media marketing companies are going.
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In particular, Internet ad agencies are using search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for their clients. What is SEO? SEO is the process of creating content designed to attract search engine "crawlers," or programs that scour and index the Internet in search of relevant content. By including certain keywords and setting up certain structures, SEO digital marketing can attract these crawlers and, as a result, increase the position of the content in any given search engine results page. The higher the position, the more attention the content will receive. That, in essence, is what SEO is.
Internet marketing services are taking full advantage of SEO marketing for a variety of reasons. The most important reason is probably due to the sheer volume of search engine users. Up to 93% of all Internet sessions begin with a visit to a search engine. Clearly, Internet users will notice something more if it is found on Google or Bing. Targeting search engine users has proven to be highly effective for marketers and their clients alike.
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