SEO Website Design


Three Reasons Why Website Design is Critical in Business
Posted on June 2, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: Website Design
The Internet has undergone tremendous changes over the years and so has, by consequence, the world. Think about it. In 1993, during the nascent stages of the Internet, there were less than 15 million users around the world. Today, there are more than 3 billion users online -- close to half the world's population. The Internet and its components -- search engines, social media, etc. -- have changed the way people connect with each other. The world will never be the same.
Business has definitely been affected by the rise of the Internet. For example, website design has taken a key position in businesses large and small. Today, a company must have some kind of online presence in order to stay competitive. Having solid website design and maintenance come with its advantages. In order to better illustrate just how important website designing can be, here are a few benefits website design can bring to a company (as outlined by the good people at My Ink Blog):
  • Increase Notoriety and Business: First impressions matter. It's not important to get a user to click on a website. It's important that they stay there and, more importantly, that they come back. A good web designing job can definitely give a webpage an edge. Web designers know how to represent a company online, and as a result they can give users more than one reason to stay on a web page.
  • Better Browser Compatibility: A web page is only as good as its compatibility with a web browser. The top three Internet browsers, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer, have different sets of programming and accessibility. Hiring a good website designer can ensure that a web page is not only beautiful but accessible to all Internet users.
  • Increase Visibility on Search Engines: Search engines such as Google and Bing can increase a business's visibility dramatically. As a result, search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing tool used by businesses that uses the power of search engines to market a web page. Basically, SEO requires a web page to be structured a certain way to best attract search engines. It requires a lot of website design work to function. A good web design job can employ SEO to take a page's visibility to new heights. And considering search engines, a $16 billion industry, process a whopping 100 billion searches a month, and that SEO is roughly 60% less expensive than traditional outbound marketing leads such as paid advertisement, it's little wonder why companies large and small are flocking to set up SEO campaigns!
For more information about website design, feel free to contact us.
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