SEO Website Design


What Elements Make A Good Business Website?
Posted on November 8, 2022 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
Whether you’re a new start-up or an old but well-established business, chances are that your website is a crucial tool in your marketing arsenal.  If you run an online store, it’s even more important to have a good website.  After all, the first impression of your company may very well be delivered by an Indianapolis website design when a potential customer lands on your website.  The following elements make for a good business website and help businesses reach their target audience.
Easy Navigation
It’s no secret that studies have shown that people stay on a website, on average, for a mere three to six seconds before clicking away.  That is why ensuring your site is easy to navigate is highly important.  To do this, you need short, concise headings and links for visitors.  It also helps if your Indianapolis website design has a navigation bar at the bottom of your website page.  When you have navigation bars on each page, it eliminates unnecessary clicking time and makes your website easier to navigate!
Incorporate Responsive Design
A responsive design is a web design that has been optimized for various screen sizes such as tablets, smartphones, and desktops.  That means anyone using these devices can have a consistent and hassle-free experience no matter their specific device or screen size.
Designers work on responsive designs to accommodate users across all devices instead of designing solely for one device or screen size.  For instance, a responsive Indianapolis website design helps increase usability and saves costs by reducing the need for additional assets to be used on each platform.
Use Purposeful Images
Recently, online marketers and businesses have begun using images relevant to the website they are visiting.  Many business websites now use images that help convey ideas and share information with those looking at the website.  These images can also encourage people to interact more with your website.  Without an image, there would be no way for visitors to understand what the website is all about as there would be no visual representation.
Maintaining a well-designed website is essential for most businesses to reach their full potential.  Ensure your company’s online information is always up-to-date, as well.  It doesn’t matter if you have a new start-up or an established business, the elements shared here will keep your website easy to use and attract more customers.
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